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A jQue­ry / YUI3 Roset­ta Stone

19 March 2010

Up­date: Check out its new home at jsroset­tastone.­com

In late 2009 I was port­ing a lar­gish pro­totype from jQue­ry to YUI3 and kept wish­ing for a cheatsheet to help me trans­late the idioms of one li­bra­ry to the other. A few months and lots of ex­pert help later, here is a Roset­ta Stone for jQue­ry and YUI3. You can read and com­ment on the HTML vers­ion, download the PDF, or fork the pro­ject on Git­Hub. It is by no means com­plete or aut­horitative but I hope it's use­ful.

This is a re­fer­ence, not an evalua­tion or com­parison of the li­bra­ries. If you have an op­in­ion about which one is "bet­t­er", that's great, but I don't want to hear it.

jQue­ry and YUI3 only over­lap in cer­tain areas like cross-browser DOM man­ipula­tion, CSS, Ajax, etc. In gener­al I think jQuery's con­veni­ence met­hods, core selec­tor sup­port, and met­hod chain­ing are its greatest strengths. YUI3 also has selec­tors and chain­ing, but favors con­figurabil­ity, breadth, and sup­port for com­plex applica­tions rath­er than ter­se­ness.


HTML vers­ion, PDF Vers­ion